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15 Thoughts Every Girl Has in the Weight Room

Okay ladies, let's face the facts, we are way too self concious...mix that with a gym and you get some crazy thoughts! But remember, you're not alone, there are millions of us thinking the same exact things.

1. "Well, there are other people in here today so no glute bridges for me!"

I have gotten to where I only do glute bridges if me and only a couple others are in the weight room or I sneak off to a closed off room that completely empty. It's just not an exercise you want to make eye contact with anybody while doing.

2. "Why is that dude staring at me?"

Like seriously, I always want to know WHY. Maybe my form might be off, if so, tell me but please don't continue to stare...and if you think we don't notice you trying to "sneak" and stare, WE DO. Maybe I have a piece of lint stuck to my butt, well let me know, If you think my butt looks good, you can always tell me that too.

3. "Do I work chest or no??"

Aside from the funnier thoughts, this is a little more serious, do you or do you not work chest? Well, do you want boobs or do you want muscles? Alright, I know it's not that simple because this is a personal struggle I have. I want to keep the little bit that I have but I also would LOVE some front delts. My personal opinion on that matter, do a light chest day with your back day or leg day. Don't go all crazy macho man with it, unless you want to of course. I have started a new chset routine with my back day where I do chest flies with 8-10 lb dumbbells, light weight bench press with barbell and then bench press with dumbbells.

4. (FOR NEWBIES) "Am I going to look like a man?"

I will keep this short and sweet...No. As long as you don't do roids that is. **My reaction if you ask me in real life will be as follows....

5. "Well she just squatted 200 lbs, I can't compete with that!"

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right" Everyone started somewhere and the moment you have this thought pop in your head is the moment you know you can make the difference between succeeding and failing. Don't let those thoughts win. Also, DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS, JAMMIT!

6. "Why did I choose THIS outfit?!"

It looked so cute when you laid it out on your bed, but you now realize it’s too loose, rubs in the wrong places or way too tight and you want out of it ASAP. The struggle is real.

7. "30 minutes of cardio? Piece of cake!"

Or so you think...

8. *5 minutes into cardio* "Why does this treadmill make it feel like I am running through hell?!"

You're doing cardio, cardio is like running through hell.

9. "I supposed to do 12 reps..but I am at 8 and it burns"

Don't even try to lie and say you haven't thought this before. Just remember this, those 4 extra reps can make a difference if you skip them enough. Push yourself.

10. "What is that smell?! Is that me?!"

It is called sweat and yes, that is more than likely your B.O. and a little bit of everyone elses in the gym. Hmm, what a lovely smell. or nah.

11. "I am supposed to grunt and make noises like those guys??"

The answer once again is NO. Please, do not.

12. "I feel so energized, I am coming every day from now on!"

As long as you keep this attitude, that's awesome. But sometimes we have the..

13. *Next day* "I hurt everywhere and regret everything"

This is normal, your muscles are growing but it's a pain you grow to love. Ahh, the joys of post leg day.

14. "I worked out for an hour today, so I can eat a double cheeseburger withs some fries, right?"

Wrong, don't waste your workout!

15. After eating the cheeseburger anyway.. "Crap, now I have to go back to the gym..."

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